Have you picked up your Spring issue yet?

With the season of Spring finally with us, it is time to enjoy your morning cup of coffee with the latest issue of the Canadian Military Family Magazine.

This issue we profile how big data is affecting your everyday life. Businesses want your business, but what is more concerning is that some agencies also want your information for more than just business. It is this very situation that led to our feature. Our writer Mishall Rehman did a fantastic job explaining Big Data, how it can be used for good, and how it became bad. You can check out her article on page 60.

This year marks the 5th anniversary of LCol Dan Bobbitt’s passing. In this issue, our regular contributor Monica Bobbitt reflects on her husband’s tragic accident and how the moment her doorbell rang changed her life. You can read The Moments that Define us on page 24.

For me, some of the most challenging moments in the last 25 years have come while I have been living through a deployment. Let’s face it: flying solo can be exhausting. In our Keeping the Balance (KTB) section, you will find six tips to ensure a smooth deployment. If you only practice one, it will make a difference (page 72).

Also in our KTB section, don’t miss our readers’ sensational spring salad recipes on page 66. We also have information regarding the Canadian Armed Forces revamped relocation program (page 70). If you are travelling this summer or looking for activities to do in your own backyard, check out our first of two articles to find summer fun in your backyard. In this issue, our writer Deb van der Linde covers the coasts (page 74).

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Cyndi Mills - Owner | Publisher CMF Magazine

Admittedly the Queen of Typos, Cyndi Mills strives for none, but one or two always seems to slip in. She apologizes! Over the last 29 years Cyndi has had the opportunity to move around the country with her husband, Scott and their four children. Having lived in Chilliwack, Edmonton, London, and Petawawa. She stumbled into the world of journalism by accident – looking for a career that could give her the flexibility to work from home to be with her children and support her husband's military career. Cyndi is also a military parent as her two oldest children are in the military. Raising her third and fourth teenagers, she tries to keep sane by walking, gardening, writing, and spending time with her family while running Canadian Military Family Magazine.

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Canadian Military Family Magazine