Favourite Photo

Favourite Photo July 19, 2019

Thank you to 5e Groupe-brigade mécanisé du Canada (5 GBMC) Facebook Page for this weeks favourite photo. Is there anything better than welcoming your family member home?

Redéploiement OP REASSURANCE ROTO 11

Le redéploiement graduel d’un contingent formé d’environ 540 militaires s’est conclu le 16 juillet 2019 avec le retour en sol québécois de quelque 110 soldats déployés en mission en Lettonie depuis janvier 2019. Ces troupes ont pris part à la 11e rotation de l’Opération REASSURANCE en Europe centrale et en Europe de l’Est.

Photo par : Soldat Marc-André Leclerc, Imagerie Valcartier


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Michelle Levesque

Fate brought Michelle Levesque to the CMFMAG family and she considers herself lucky be part of the journey of watching the Magazine bloom into greatness. Her motivation comes from working with a strong group of military spouses who are dedicated to providing information about those who support the Canadian military family community. Michelle believes in Cyndi’s mission first and for most and prides herself on being Cyndi’s and the magazine’s champion. “No” is not an option in Michelle’s world. When Cyndi describes the magazine as her “5th child”, Michelle describes herself as “Cyndi’s 5th child’s Nanny”. Michelle is married to Bob, a Combat Engineer Veteran and has 3 grown children, 2 boxers, and 5 cats. With only 1 year in Lahr Germany and 4 years in Oromocto NB, the Levesque’s called Petawawa home. (19 years out of 25 years together.) Now settled in Embrun ON, Michelle works where there is an internet connection. With her infectious enthusiasm, sense of humour and sheer determination to succeed, Michelle excitedly awaits where the CMFMAG goes next!

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Canadian Military Family Magazine