
Renos for Heroes hosts annual gala February 4

In the fall of 2010, brothers Jim and Deryl Caruk set on a mission to make life more comfortable for Canada’s ill and injured soldiers through their organization Renos for Heroes. The annual Renos for Heroes Hearts for Heroes Gala ensures that the brothers can continue to do their work for years to come.

Held this year on Feb. 4, the Hearts for Heroes Gala will be honouring several individuals, including longtime supporters. What makes this year especially significant is the attendance of eight World War Two veterans.

“I think it’s the greatest generation as far as Canadians go and we should be really thankful because look at what we’ve got,” said Deryl Caruk, executive director of Renos for Heroes.

One of the veterans in attendance will be Caruk’s uncle, who once landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.

“It’s something that’s very dear to my brother and myself and also the members and crew of Renos for Heroes,” added Caruk.

Funds raised from the gala will go towards the projects that Renos for Heroes has lined up for this year. The organization’s projects include anything from redoing a kitchen and floors to fencing, decks, and driveways.

“We can do everything they possibly need for a reno,” said Caruk.

Renos for Heroes works with the Department of National Defence to find the veterans and soldiers most in need.

“We want to increase their quality of life,” stated Caruk.

The goal is to complete two to three projects a year during a six-month period, April to October.

Caruk encourages all to attend and find a way of supporting the Canadian Armed Forces and veterans.

“They’re always on the frontline. I think they deserve a lot more respect from the public than they get.
Anything we can do for them, I’m a 100 per cent behind,” noted Caruk.

The Renos for Heroes Hearts for Heroes Gala will be held at the Mississauga Convention Centre.

Cocktail hour begins at 5 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30. The evening also features a live and silent auction.

Tickets are $175 per person and $1,750, including HST, for a table of ten. To purchase tickets visit the Renos for Heroes website.


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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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