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HMCS St. John’s bound for Operation Reassurance

Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) St. John’s has been chosen as the next Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) ship to deploy on Operation REASSURANCE.

HMCS St. John’s will deploy in mid-January 2017 and join the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2) in the Mediterranean to contribute to the security and stability in Central and Eastern Europe.

“I am extremely proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by of the Captain and crew of HMCS St. John’s in preparation for their upcoming mission. They will be excellent ambassadors as they work alongside NATO allies during Operation REASSURANCE. They will play a key role in strengthening international and regional stability and as part of a modern, globally deployable fleet, St. John’s presence ensures the Navy continues to influence global events while representing and defending Canadian interests abroad,” said RAdm. John Newton, Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic.

HMCS St. John’s has been preparing to deploy with the high readiness training as part of SPARTAN WARRIOR 16. The ship then conducted a successful Evolved Sea Sparrow missile shoot in late November to prepare for Operation REASSURANCE.

HMCS St. John’s is the sixth RCN ship and the fourth modernized Halifax-class frigate to deploy in support of the NATO assurance measures in Europe since April 2014.

The ship is equipped with a CH-124 Sea King helicopter air detachment and a crew of approximately 240 personnel of all ranks including an Enhanced Naval Boarding Party.

The last time HMCS St. John’s was on an international deployment was in March 2012 when it participated in Operation CARIBBE, the counter transnational criminal organization campaign in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

“As Captain of HMCS St. John’s I am incredibly proud of the team that has pulled together to make this hull come to life. Everyday their work ethic, positive attitude and talent impress and I have no doubt that we will excel at any mission assigned to us by the Government of Canada. Over the last number of months we have honed our skills and with the fantastic support of the civilian and military staffs that make up Maritime Forces Atlantic I know that St. John’s is in all respects ready for the challenges of Operation REASSURANCE,” stated Commander Sheldon Gillis, Commanding Officer, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship St. John’s

HMCS St. John’s is replacing HMCS Charlottetown which has been serving SNGM 2 since July.


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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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