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5 CMBG deploys for Europe

Canadian Army soldiers from 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (5 CMBG) departed from Canada on Feb. 11 to Europe, for another round of Operation REASSURANCE. This was the first group to departure from the approximately 220 soldiers from 5 CMBG who will be deploying to Operation REASSURANCE and relieving fellow brigade members.

“The new rotation of soldiers who have departed from Valcartier to join Operation REASSURANCE demonstrates Canada’s ongoing commitment to supporting our allies. Canada’s involvement in NATO exercises and training activities provides an excellent opportunity to enhance the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to operate with our NATO allies, building cohesion within the Alliance,” said Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence.

Photo: Corporal Nathan Moulton, Land Task Force Imagery, OP REASSURANCE RP001-2016-0001-164
Photo: Corporal Nathan Moulton, Land Task Force Imagery, OP REASSURANCE

The deployed troops will build on previous deployments of fellow brigade members who have participated in several multi-national exercises. Operation REASSURANCE is Canada’s commitment to NATO’s assurance measures through the provision of military capabilities for training, exercises, demonstrations and assigned NATO tasks. The measures hope to demonstrate how strong Allied solidarity is in response to Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine in recent years. The Operation also showcases the CAF capabilities on a world stage.

Working on the principles of defence, deterrence and de-escalation, the CAF supports NATO in increasing stability and security in Central and Eastern Europe.

NATO first agreed on military measures in the region on April 16, 2014. The CAF has been involved with the mission since the start and has participated in various skills training events in airborne and infantry operations working with other NATO allies.

The 5 CMBG first deployed on Operation REASSURANCE in June 2015.

** Featured Image Courtesy of Canadian Army Facebook page: Master Corporal Pierre-Olivier Parent takes advantage of the last few moments with his family before departing for Operation REASSURANCE at 2nd Canadian Division Support Base Valcartier in Courcette, QC, on Thursday, February 11, 2016 .

Photo by: Cpl Nicolas Tremblay, Valcartier Imaging Section. **

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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