
Registration open for 10th annual Esquimalt Navy Run

Registration open for 10th annual Esquimalt Navy Run

The 10th anniversary of the Esquimalt Navy Run will be held on June 19. This family focused event includes a 5k, 10k and a kids fun run.

Located on the Pacific Ocean, Esquimalt’s Navy Run ties its unique location with its naval heritage for a run with a twist.

“It is the only run in the greater Victoria area that actually starts and finishes on the Naden Base which provides a wonderful Naval background for the Team Photo Booth we offer. It is also unique in that the race starts with a bang from a C3 Howitzer (Cannon),” said Sandra Ferrin, Community Recreation Coordinator

Organized by the Esquimalt PSP, the purpose of the run is to boost the morale and welfare of military members and their families.


“The Navy Run is one of a variety of programs and events we offer in our effort to create a positive and healthy community,” mentioned Ferrin.

To celebrate the tenth anniversary, the logo used on award medals and runner’s shirts will reflect this.

“We are also excited to introduce a section within the Formation Challenge for our Cadet program this year. The Navy Run special event is strictly a break even event which limits any funding we might have to create more significant exposure and/or commemoration,” added Ferrin.

Ferrin is also hoping to finally reach their target of registering 1,000 participants, in time for the 10th anniversary.

“We reached close to 750 participants last year and currently have 450 registered with only one month until Event Day. So we have one question for everyone reading this article…have you registered yet,” explained Ferrin.


The Esquimalt PSP staff is also assisting participants with training. The PSP is hosting a seven-week training point that meets every week leading up to the race. It is open to everyone.

“We educate them on stretching and hydration and food intake and what’s best for their bodies to achieve their goals,” said Megan Larsen, PSP Fitness Instructor.

For more information or to register visit the Navy Run website.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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