
Source Handler Operators Wanted

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is currently on the hunt for highly motivated and skilled personnel to fill the coveted and valuable positions of Source Handler Operators.

Source Handler Operators are specially trained human intelligence professionals employed in Joint Task Force X (JTF X). According to a CANFORGEN released earlier this summer, Source Handler Operators typically operate in small teams that plan their own operations using specific tradecraft and tactics.

“SH OP are trained to identify, collect, and distribute human intelligence by developing and nurturing relationships with members of the local community in order to generate intelligence for the commander.”

The CAF is currently looking to fit JTF Source Handler Officer and Primary Reserve positions.

According to 086/22 CANFORGEN, Source Handler Operators collects human intelligence to enhance the understanding of operational environments. “Human intelligence provides near real-time force protection information for CAF personnel deployed on operations.”

The next assessment centre for JTF X Source Handler Officer Section will be in the fall/winter of 2022.

Requirements for JTF X Source Handler Officer positions

The Canadian Forces Intelligence Command seeks highly motivated, mentally and physically fit applicants.

According to the CANFORGEN, announcing the open positions and requirements, Source Handler duties are demanding, “Therefore motivation, integrity and maturity are assessed. Applicants must have strong leadership skills and work exceptionally well in small teams with minimal supervision. Applicants must be able to operate in high-stress environments for extended periods.”

To be able eligible for this position, applicants must be:

  • Regular Force
  • Any MOSID except MOSID 00349
  • Have reached Operationally Functional Point in their occupation
  • Rank Lt/Slt to Capt/Lt
  • Must have a secondary school graduation certificate or Quebec Secondary V
  • No serious or limiting medical employment limitations
  • Hold a valid force test
  • Have Level II security clearance and able to attain Level III
  • Full provincial/territorial driver’s licence
  • English as first official language or a minimum second language profile

Applicants will be required to write the Written Communication Proficiency Test administered by the local wing/base. They must also provide a consent to disclosure of police records for the Canadian Police Information Centre.

Requirements for Primary Reserve Applicants

Although many of the basic requirements for Regular Force and Primary Reserve applicants are the same, specific requirements for Primary Reserve are as follows:

  • Any MOSID except MOSID 00349
  • Have reached Operationally Functional Point in their occupation
  • Rank is CPL/LS to WO/PO and LT/SLT to Capt/LT(N), LT/SLT (N) to Capt/LT(N)
  • Must have a secondary school graduation certificate or Quebec Secondary V
  • No serious or limiting medical employment limitations
  • Hold a valid force test
  • Have Level II security clearance and able to attain Level III
  • Full provincial/territorial driver’s licence
  • English as first official language or a minimum second language profile

Applicants will be required to write the Written Communication Proficiency Test administered by the local wing/base. They must also provide a consent to disclosure of police records for the Canadian Police Information Centre.

Primary Reserve NCM and offers applicants who are found suitable during the assessment will attend the SHOC in Jan. 2023. If successful, officer applicants will be considered for Class B/C Contract at JTF X for a period not less than three years. Primary Reserve NCM applicants successful in selection and course will be component transferred upon successful completion of training.

Further Details

Notice of intent to apply should be submitted no later than Aug 15 for both positions. Incomplete or late files will not be processed.

Officer application deadline to JTF X is Sept. 19. Primary Reserve application deadline to JTF X is also Sept. 19. All supporting documents to prove eligibility and eligibility requirements must also be submitted.

All applicants should submit their notice of intent via THE POSITIONAL MAILBOX here.
If you are interested in applying, visit the JTF X homepage for more information here.

Questions regarding recruiting should be directed to the CF INT GP PSO at 613 541 5010 EXT 7941 OR email here.

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Mishall Rehman

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Mishall is a freelance journalist pursuing her passion for writing in her new homeland Canada. She currently lives in Trenton, ON with her husband.

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