
New Multi-purpose Facility to be built in Yellowknife

Minister of Defence Bill Blair recently broke new ground for a new National Defence facility in Yellowknife, NWT, as a first step towards increasing military presence in the Northern region of Canada.

Through this investment, and the measures in Our North, Strong and Free, we are prioritizing Arctic sovereignty to keep Canadians safe in a changing world. Above image: the Northern lights can be seen beyond HMCS HARRY DEWOLF during Cold Weather Trials near Frobisher Bay on February 21, 2021. Photo by Corporal David Veldman, Canadian Armed Forces Photo.

Prioritizing Arctic Sovereignty

“The construction of this new multi-purpose facility in Yellowknife will improve the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to deploy to the Northwest Territories, and is a significant step towards a more robust military presence in the region. Through this investment, and the measures in Our North, Strong and Free, we are prioritizing Arctic sovereignty to keep Canadians safe in a changing world.”‌

He added that the construction of the new facility is a good example of well-used public land. During his visit to National Defence lands in Yellowknife, the Defence Minister also noted that through Budget 2024, the government will transform its approach to public land and lead a national effort to unlock public lands for housing.

The GOC will conduct a rapid review of its entire federal land portfolio to identify more lands for housing, in partnership with provinces, territories, and municipalities. Additional public lands that are promising for housing include some of the 622 National Defence sites across Canada – many of which are not fully utilized. As the results of this review come through, the Government will work with the housing sector to build homes wherever possible.

Backed by an investment of approximately $136 million, the Yellowknife project will see the construction of a new 9,200-m2 headquarters building for the 1st Canadian Rangers Patrol Group (1 CRPG) as well as elements of Joint Task Force (North) in Yellowknife.

$136 Million Investment

Backed by an investment of approximately $136 million, the Yellowknife project will see the construction of a new 9,200-m2 headquarters building for the 1st Canadian Rangers Patrol Group (1 CRPG) as well as elements of Joint Task Force (North) in Yellowknife. The new facility will include offices and classroom space for administrative and training purposes, an assembly space doubling as a drill hall, and space for vehicle maintenance and warehouse storage.

As the Arctic warms at four times the global average and becomes more accessible by increased Russian and Chinese military capabilities in the region, Michael McLeod, MP for the Northwest Territories, said this investment will protect Canadian sovereignty and enable a more persistent military presence in the Arctic.

“This new multi-purpose building will bring together the Canadian Rangers and different elements of Joint Task Force (North) in a modern facility that meets their needs. This is good news for Canadian Armed Forces members deployed to Yellowknife, and for this entire territory. I welcome the beginning of construction on this facility, and I look forward to its completion.”

Artistic Rendering of the new Multipurpose Facility in Yellowknife to be built on National Defence property in the Engle Business District (Phase 2) in Yellowknife, NWT.

Consolidate Units in Secure Compound

Currently, some components of Joint Task Force (North) and 1 CRPG are distributed amongst several disconnected temporary sites in Yellowknife.

This project will consolidate these units in one secure compound, providing the necessary space to support their current and future operations and enhance collaboration more efficiently. The construction of the facility will sustain roughly 520 jobs and is expected to be completed in winter 2026-27.

Investing in the Yellowknife multipurpose facility is just one way the government is boosting the Canadian Armed Forces’ presence in the Arctic and northern regions in response to new and emerging threats.

Through its military initiative Our North, Strong and Free, the Government of Canada is making several investmenst. Above image: the Land Task Force conducts a robust presence patrol increasing Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Arctic presence and projecting CAF capabilities in the north as part of Operation NANOOK-NUNALIVUT 22 in the northern Northwest Territories. February 22, 2022. Photo by: Master Corporal Jax Kennedy, Joint Task Force (North), Canadian Armed Forces photo. 

More Our North, Strong and Free Investments

Through its military initiative Our North, Strong and Free, the Government of Canada is also investing in the following:

  • $218 million over 20 years for Northern Operational Support Hubs to better ensure Canadian sovereignty by establishing a greater year-round presence across the Arctic and the North and invest in multi-use infrastructure that also meets the needs of territories, Indigenous Peoples, and Northern communities.
  • $18.4 billion over 20 years to acquire a more modern, mobile, and effective tactical helicopter capability. This investment aims to give the CAF the speed and airlift capacity to assert Canada’s sovereignty and respond to natural disasters and emergencies throughout the country.
  • $307 million over 20 years for airborne early warning aircraft to improve Canada’s ability to detect, track, and prioritize airborne threats sooner, ensuring a faster, better-coordinated response with the United States when required.
  • $1.4 billion over 20 years to acquire specialized maritime sensors to conduct ocean surveillance. The sensors will be used to monitor Canada’s maritime approaches, including in the Arctic and North. The sensors will be a critical component of the CAFs’ ability to defend Canada from a growing range and sophistication of underwater threats, including vessel-launched missiles, underwater systems, ships, and submarines, on all three coasts.‌
1 CRPG comprises 2,000 Canadian Rangers in 61 patrols, and more than 1,400 Junior Canadian Rangers in 44 patrols in 65 communities across the North. A member of 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, Gerald Azure and his dog “Bannock” conduct polar bear patrol while the Royal Canadian Navy, Naval Reserve Regional Dive Centre (West) conducts diving operations in Churchill, Manitoba, on 24 September 2022. Please credit: Sailor 1st Class Valerie LeClair, MARPAC Imaging Services, Canadian Armed Forces photo.

Better, More Modern Facilities

“Through Our North, Strong and Free, Canada is investing in the security of the North and taking the necessary measures to protect the Arctic from new and emerging security challenges,” said Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs. “In addition to those measures, the construction of this new multipurpose building will support Canadian Armed Forces operations in the North, and provide the Canadian Rangers with better, more modern facilities to carry out their work.”

Joint Task Force (North) is one of six CAF regional joint task forces situated in key areas across Canada. JTF(N) helps Canada maintain full awareness of security and defence conditions in the North. 1 CRPG comprises 2,000 Canadian Rangers in 61 patrols, and more than 1,400 Junior Canadian Rangers in 44 patrols in 65 communities across the North.

A $1.8 million contract for the design of the Yellowknife facility was awarded to PCL Construction Management from Edmonton, Alberta. ‌This project includes an Indigenous Benefits Plan as part of the design and construction contract, which requires the contractor to engage with Indigenous groups to provide business opportunities.

Residential Housing Unit. Image courtesy of Canada.ca.

Building Homes National Defence Land

As announced in Budget 2024, the federal government is committed to building homes on National Defence lands by exploring the redevelopment of properties that could be suitable for both military and civilian uses, divesting 14 surplus properties with housing potential, and building and renovating housing for Canadian Armed Forces personnel on bases. In addition, they are committed to building and renovating housing for Canadian Armed Forces personnel on bases across Canada – including building up to 1,400 new homes and renovating an additional 2,500 existing units for military personnel.

According to details in the new Public Lands for Homes Plan, the federal government has committed to unlocking 250,000 new homes by 2031 by using all tools available to convert public lands to housing (such as unused or underused office towers or parking lots), including leasing, acquiring other public lands for housing, and retaining ownership, whenever possible.

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